{msg=success, data={columnId=105, navBreadcrumb=[{brother=[], entityTag=, id=null, name=Social Responsibility, type=false, url=/column/104/}, {brother=[], entityTag=, id=null, name=Energy Saving and Environmental Protection, type=false, url=/column/105/}], list=[{columnId=104, name=Pay Taxes According to Law, linkUrl=/column/104/}, {columnId=105, name=Energy Saving and Environmental Protection, linkUrl=/column/105/}, {columnId=106, name=Support National Defense, linkUrl=/column/106/}, {columnId=107, name=Guarantee Employment, linkUrl=/column/107/}, {columnId=108, name=Social welfare, linkUrl=/column/108/}], homePage={brother=[], entityTag=, id=null, name=新首页, type=false, url=/}}, status=101}
Energy saving and environmental protection
Liaoning Fangda Group actively responds to the development strategy of "beautiful China" adheres to "treat the ecological environment like life"
The investment in energy conservation and environmental protection exceeded 10 billion yuan. Strengthen the recycling of internal resources to achieve ultra-low emission. Implement a series of technical transformation projects, and strive to build enterprises in the south into ecological forest tourism factories, and enterprises in the northeast and northwest into garden factories.