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Fangda Car

Steel of Jiujiang, an enterprise of Liaoning Fangda Group, grandly held the distribution ceremony of "Fangda Car" on October 1, 2020.

According to the "Fangda Car" reward policy recommendations, under the condition that Steel of Jiujiang has achieved the predetermined profit target every year for five consecutive years, each employee will be given a car of about 100000 yuan. If both husband and wife are in Steel of Jiujiang, they can jointly choose a car worth about 200000 yuan according to their personal wishes, and the model will be determined according to the opinions of most employees. A total of 4116 "Fangda Cars" with a total value of 550 million yuan were distributed to more than 5000 employees.

Holiday benefits

Holiday benefits will be distributed every Spring Festival, Dragon Boat Festival and Mid Autumn Festival, and holiday souvenirs will be distributed every March 8th women's day, July 1st Party's birthday and August 1st army building day.

If the distribution standard is inconsistent with the original enterprise before the mixed reform, it will be implemented in accordance with the principle of maintaining the enterprise practice and system and the high is not the low.

Fangda mobile phone benefits

Liaoning Fangda Group provides qualified enterprise employees with mobile phones through mobile phone distribution, and enjoys telephone fee subsidies.

Free working meal

Liaoning Fangda Group adheres to the concept of "employee centered", and each enterprise provides employees with a healthy, safe, delicious and rich free working meal everyday.

Employees evaluate the satisfaction of the canteen every month. The canteen strictly controls the quality of dishes, pays attention to service quality, food safety and dish quality, so that employees can eat comfortably, rest assured and enjoy the happy taste of Fangda.

Fangda medical subsidy

The medical subsidy policy is a welfare policy proposed by Liaoning Fangda Group for its enterprises to implement for employees and their families. Enterprises will give full subsidies to the medical expenses within the scope of national medical insurance and the self paid part after medical insurance reimbursement.

The medical subsidy welfare policy targets all employees and extends to employees' spouses, children, parents and retired employees who have worked in Fangda for more than 10 years. The scope of subsidy is the same as the standard, and almost all employees' families are covered."Without the health of the whole people, there will be no well-off society in an all-round way."The medical subsidy policy of Liaoning Fangda Group has effectively solved the living burden caused by medical expenses after the illness of employees, employees' spouses, employees' children, employees' parents and retired employees, and improved the happiness index of employees.

Fang Wei inspirational scholarship

Liaoning Fangda Group, named after Fang Wei, chairman of the board of directors of the group, established the "Fang Wei inspirational scholarship" which cares about the growth of employees' children and takes it as an enterprise welfare policy.

For the children of employees who have been admitted to the top 20 (the first batch of undergraduate) of Chinese universities or the top 50 of world universities, full tuition scholarships will be given to those who attend Chinese universities (including universities in Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan); For foreign universities, a fixed scholarship of 80000 yuan will be awarded every year during the undergraduate period.At the same time, the children of employees who are poor and have won the "Fang Wei inspirational scholarship" will be given appropriate living subsidies. Among them, the annual subsidy for Chinese universities is 5000 yuan and that for foreign universities is 20000 yuan. After completing their studies, the children of employees who have won scholarships should work for the Chinese government or Chinese enterprises and institutions, or for Chinese funded institutions registered abroad. "Achieving success in learning and serving the motherland" is the only requirement for enterprises to award scholarships. By 2020, Fangda Group has granted the scholarship benefits to 63 employees' children.

Basic salary increase welfare

the enterprise makes profits every month, and the monthly basic salary of employees (excluding middle and senior cadres) increases by 50%.

Filial piety benefit

The enterprise will pay 1000 yuan of filial piety benefit to the employee's parents when it achieves more than 50% of the current and cumulative profit targets.

The filial piety fund is paid to the employee's own parents (if the employee's own parents are deceased, it can be given to the spouse's parents) and directly printed on the parent's bank card. If multiple children work in the group headquarters or group affiliated enterprises, they can enjoy it at the same time.

Fangda pension

Liaoning Fangda Group has launched the "Fangda pension" policy in order to enable retired employees who are in the same boat with the development of the enterprise and have only children or no children to feel the love from the enterprise like children, so as to achieve a sense of security and dependence for the elderly. Employees who have continuously worked in Liaoning Fangda Group or affiliated enterprises for more than 5 years and retired in Liaoning Fangda Group or affiliated enterprises can enjoy the "Fangda pension" welfare policy at the age of 60 under the condition of enterprise profitability. If they have stayed in a nursing home, they shall be in accordance with the city where the unit is located (if the city is a county-level city, it shall be in accordance with the prefecture level city) 50% of the charging standard of the best public nursing homes; Those who do not live in the nursing home shall be paid 25% of the best public nursing home charging standard in the city where the unit is located (if the city is a county-level city, it shall be paid according to the prefecture level city).

Creative retirement bonus

In order to guide employees to pay more attention to the long-term development interests of the enterprise, cultivate excellent successor teams for the sustainable development of the enterprise, form a management atmosphere of mutual promotion, mutual restriction, mutual supervision, plugging loopholes and taking the enterprise as the home, encourage employees to take an active role based on their posts, strive to create efficiency, maintain the sustainable profitability of the enterprise and fully share the development achievements of the enterprise, Liaoning Fangda Group has launched the welfare policy of "creative retirement bonus". All employees complete their standard creative amount and can enjoy the "creative retirement bonus" for 12 consecutive years when the enterprise is profitable after retirement.

Issuing red envelopes

Liaoning Fangda Group always keeps in mind the Party's kindness and pays back to the society and employees. According to the actual operation and development, it is suggested that relevant enterprises issue red envelopes to employees before the Spring Festival, thank the Party and the government for providing a good platform for enterprise development, and thank employees for their contributions to the enterprise and society.

Employee physical examination

all enterprises of Liaoning Fangda Group regularly carry out employee physical examination to further improve employees' awareness of self-care, prevent disease hazards, create a healthy and harmonious working environment, effectively maintain employees' health and hold up a "health umbrella" for employees.

Cool in summer

during the high temperature period in summer, the trade unions of all enterprises of Liaoning Fangda Group send heatstroke prevention articles to the employees fighting at the high temperature operation site, carry out the education on the basic knowledge of heatstroke prevention, reflect the concept of "being good to the employees and treating the employees as relatives", and ensure that the employees work in a safe and secure state.

Employee's home

for a long time, Liaoning Fangda Group, with the concept of "being good to employees and treating employees as relatives", adheres to caring for employees as an important starting point for stabilizing the staff team and condensing the staff strength, starts from the details, strengthens the team infrastructure, invests a lot of funds in special treatment and plant environmental beautification, so as to create "clean, tidy and comfortable" for employees The working environment, clean and tidy staff lounge and staff dormitory, fully equipped basketball hall, badminton hall and other staff activity centers, and staff library with rich books create warm and harmonious "staff home", "team home", "staff library", "love cabin" and other staff rest and learning places for employees.